Pråmvägen 15, Väggarp
S- 241 93 Eslöv
Phone: +46 46 143308 +46 72 554 0614 (view Peter Elfman, photos)

torsdag 15 november 2012

More Wisconsin birds

American goldfich (Watercol. on Arches paper 28*38 cm)

Blue Jay (Watercol. on Arches paper 38*28 cm)

Sora and turtles (Karolinasumphöna och sköldpaddor)

Back from the Birds in Art weekend I started to paintWisconsin birds again. From the trip to W Mead area Sep 9 with the Wausau birder Dan Belter I had some reference photos of soras. We saw about 30 of them walking on water lillies close to the road. Back home I painted one of them. (Watercolour on Arches paper (58*38 cm)